At this point, I don't care what’s your NATIONALITY, what is your SKIN COLOR, what RELIGION you follow, what you IDENTIFY as, and what COUNTRY you live in. So, you call this pathetic existence of yours - Life? Hurting and hating others? It is not Life, it is Shit. Your shit. So, I will rephrase the last one to - What COUNTRY do you SHIT in?
Let me explain a bit why I do not really care about all the above.
What nationality? There were no nationalities on our Planet. People created it, gave it a name and here we go. Just some set of traditions, some specific food, certain language, some lands, etc. It is all a cute idea, so why not, let it be, right? I personally love it. But if you gonna get dead serious about it and start killing each other for it?! Then, wait a minute, we all should go back a bit and remember that Nationality is just an idea.
What nationality? There were no nationalities on our Planet. People created it, gave it a name and here we go. Just some set of traditions, some specific food, certain language, some lands, etc. It is all a cute idea, so why not, let it be, right? I personally love it. But if you gonna get dead serious about it and start killing each other for it?! Then, wait a minute, we all should go back a bit and remember that Nationality is just an idea.
And the beauty of any ideas, is that once it’s not serving us well, we have the power to skip the idea, remove the idea, rename the idea, forget the idea… etc.
This one is fun. Imagine Rose bulling Daisy for not being red enough or a Zebra spitting on a Giraffe, coz stripes are better than spots. At this point, I expect you to have some knowledge of flora and fauna :) Also, I am really sorry to compare you to an animal, but talking about skin colours you often behave like one, so, I felt like it's actually pretty accurate :D Anyway…
This one is fun. Imagine Rose bulling Daisy for not being red enough or a Zebra spitting on a Giraffe, coz stripes are better than spots. At this point, I expect you to have some knowledge of flora and fauna :) Also, I am really sorry to compare you to an animal, but talking about skin colours you often behave like one, so, I felt like it's actually pretty accurate :D Anyway…
Big thanks to our nature, coz we only have a few skin shades, imagine there are also green, blue, and purple skin colours. We would never finish from hatred, racism, and bullying.
Quickly, kill this green guy, he is pissing my purple ass off :)
Warning! This one will hurt if you identify yourself with any religion.
There are no religions!
Sorry to disappoint you on that one.
But, God can’t be divided.
Not by religions not by any other idea.
Warning! This one will hurt if you identify yourself with any religion.
There are no religions!
Sorry to disappoint you on that one.
But, God can’t be divided.
Not by religions not by any other idea.
As God is ONE.
ONE GOD - ONE LOVE to all.
(Remember the song – "one love, one life, we get to share it…" - the U2 prophecies :D) Anyway…
And strikingly similar to many other ideas and ideologies we created - the religion is a mankind’s (not so kind apparently :D) creation.
What do you IDENTIFY as?
Might be you identify as a Potato or a Superhero or you identify as a Panda or whatever just remember you are a HUMAN first of all. All other names of yours are your right, your creation, your fantasy… Just First be a good Human and then a good Panda :) (Because obviously the Earth is overfilled with bad Pandas, so every single good Panda counts :D) Anyway...
Might be you identify as a Potato or a Superhero or you identify as a Panda or whatever just remember you are a HUMAN first of all. All other names of yours are your right, your creation, your fantasy… Just First be a good Human and then a good Panda :) (Because obviously the Earth is overfilled with bad Pandas, so every single good Panda counts :D) Anyway...
What COUNTRY you SHIT (live) in?
There are no COUNTRIES.
One day a group of, so-called, "responsible for all of us", people - drew the lines all-over our beautiful LANDS, our pure clean maps and here we go, once again more divided by groups, more dissected, more split, more separated, more afraid of each other.
(Do you remember this one: “Let’s make America great again” right?, NO.
Let’s make all lands and all people great, safe, protected, not just one part. None superior over others.
Let’s make the whole PLANET GREAT again. (Well, I should mention that it was already great long before we stepped our dirty feet on it :D) Anyway...
(Do you remember this one: “Let’s make America great again” right?, NO.
Let’s make all lands and all people great, safe, protected, not just one part. None superior over others.
Let’s make the whole PLANET GREAT again. (Well, I should mention that it was already great long before we stepped our dirty feet on it :D) Anyway...
So, to me, all these topics above are just childish gibberish that you willingly chose to believe.
And as long as you dissect yourself and others into these imaginary groups - we will have wars and we will drown in blood.
Look closely, we are all the same, all Planet Earth inhabitants, not these or other nationalities, not these or other religions…
We are fighting against each other, but inside our bodies, we are all the same - our bones are the same shapes and colours, our hearts beat in the same way and our tears have the same salty taste despite our race, skin colour, or party you vote for.
Nationality, religion, name of your stupid country it is all just the Names and Games. Given names, just somebody’s obviously failing ideologies. We have the power to stop playing these harmful games.
No, I am not against any of those ideas, but I am against you killing each other FOR the ideas.
I am not your IDEA (this word in capital letters looks a lot like the logo of an IKEA :D) Anyway…
Sorry, let’s get back to seriousness. Coz life is very serious. Boo.
I am not your IDEAs. I am ME, just ME, bare ME, bare naked pure ME the baby of the mother called Earth. I am ME and I was ME before you gave me the name, told me about my nationality,
before the ID papers you issued to me, before the words and concepts I have been taught in school, without all this I AM just ME, the HUMAN being. Same as you. So keeping all knowledge and forced ideas behind, looking deep into my soul I know that killing others is wrong, hate is wrong and Love is the only answer to mankind's sufferings.
before the ID papers you issued to me, before the words and concepts I have been taught in school, without all this I AM just ME, the HUMAN being. Same as you. So keeping all knowledge and forced ideas behind, looking deep into my soul I know that killing others is wrong, hate is wrong and Love is the only answer to mankind's sufferings.
Let’s leave these topics aside for a moment and see:
Why and how we do allow all this cruelty, wars…?
Who gave you permission to the lands, all the lands of my mother Earth, who allowed you to draw the lines and take them away from me?
And now we have to obey and can't freely move at our place at our own home?! I was born on this planet so I should have my freedom as a tree grows at any land it wishes, as a bird flies free in the sky or a wild wolf roams freely any land - we should be free to choose where, when and how…
And now we have to obey and can't freely move at our place at our own home?! I was born on this planet so I should have my freedom as a tree grows at any land it wishes, as a bird flies free in the sky or a wild wolf roams freely any land - we should be free to choose where, when and how…
So why do you force me to pay for my land? As any creature born on this Planet, I should been granted free land to build my nest. Who made it yours? It is Earth’s and always will be, long after you liar, die.
Fellow Humans all planet is mine as it is yours, in a fair equal share…
Fellow Humans all planet is mine as it is yours, in a fair equal share…
All belongs to us - the earthlings.
So every tree, every cloud, every bit of sand, every mountain - It is all mine to look at, to enjoy it, to breathe it. It is my Birthright.
Sky, all the Seas, all the Fields, the Sunshine and the Rainbow (I insist on this one, the rainbow is for all of us, please give it back to children! Choose some other logo; by the way, Santa, Unicorn, and Tooth fairy are booked, for kids as well. Sorry. :D)
Unfortunately, human is so weak, so greedy, so pathetic, so delusional, so limited, so cruel, so mistaken, so evil…
Barely evolved since the beginning of time.
Yes, kill each other in wars. Better. You deserve to die for killing innocent children. You do it to possess some more land? To prove your idea of religion? To make MORE money and to gain MORE power? RETARDED.
If just God could see you. He would himself strangle you to death. But looks like God left this place long time ago.
(Can you blame him? Sure he left, cost of living is too high here :D) Anyway…
(Can you blame him? Sure he left, cost of living is too high here :D) Anyway…
You idiots killing each other just for somebody’s ideas! You don't deserve to live with blood on your hands.
You will burn in hell. ( If there is one :D ) Anyway...
Do you really think it’s matter what territory you live? Who is your God? Well, no. Bunch of ideas. Drop them. Drop them now and wars shall stop.
And don’t you dare to open your dirty mouth and say word “God”.
As God is love.
Dear soldiers, with all due respect, I know it feels like you are protecting and making a good deed, but it’s only seems so. You have been used and you have been fooled. In reality, you are heroes only for one side. To the other side you are the killer of their children, mothers and brothers. Just don’t rise your weapon, just don’t. Don’t fight for peace. We can’t get peace fighting.
Look deeply into this idea:
You have been given the permission to kill others. Oh my God! “Nice”.
You have been given the permission to kill others. Oh my God! “Nice”.
(Remember this iconic song “What a beautiful world”. Does this still apply? This guy must been really romantic dude :D) Anyway...
We deserve to be gone from Earth. We are not worth it.
Destroyers must be destroyed.
Killing each other with our own hands.
Think of it.
How silly.
How stupid.
Have you ever heard of words - love, peace, life, share, joy, help, care, happiness?
Here is your God in this few simple words.
Think of it.
How silly.
How stupid.
Have you ever heard of words - love, peace, life, share, joy, help, care, happiness?
Here is your God in this few simple words.
So, if you are not able to give these words to your so-called "enemy”
Then forget God. He is not in your heart and soul.
Then forget God. He is not in your heart and soul.
Devil is.
I am saying so called “enemy", coz its enemy only to you. For people on the other side it is Family.
Earthlings. Earthlings. Earthlings. Poor Earthlings.
The stupid children of a beautiful planet. Sadly, most of us have serious priority defects plus the "very simple" mind - so, a recipe for disaster.
But, if you could just get it.
It is so simple.
Life is simple.
God is simple.
The stupid children of a beautiful planet. Sadly, most of us have serious priority defects plus the "very simple" mind - so, a recipe for disaster.
But, if you could just get it.
It is so simple.
Life is simple.
God is simple.
God is love...That is it.
Anyway, to whom am I speaking? You are most probably never gonna read it anyway, so busy in your zombie TV News Media Land or plotting the next War in my beautiful, wonderful home called Earth.
No, I am not angry from you.
Nor I wish you death.
Just feel so much pity that you live for wrong ideas.
Causing so much grief and pain.
Nor I wish you death.
Just feel so much pity that you live for wrong ideas.
Causing so much grief and pain.
Have you ever heard of mother’s screams for losing her child?
Sure not, how would you, you are too busy on your private island, sipping exotic cocktails, having a cigar, laughing in your ultra-white set of artificial teeth, as artificial as your soul.
How would you know, you are so far from the real deal, from the real war, from the front fire line.
Sure not, how would you, you are too busy on your private island, sipping exotic cocktails, having a cigar, laughing in your ultra-white set of artificial teeth, as artificial as your soul.
How would you know, you are so far from the real deal, from the real war, from the front fire line.
Big money - small balls.
You sure rich, but you are poor heart. Cutting Rainforest or destroying historical site to build more Malls for profits. You know what you have done; I don't need to tell you.
The worst, is you think It’s gonna bring you happiness. These “Money+Power” things. But I want to disappoint you (today I am like a bearer of bad news :), It’s not gonna make you happy. Happiness is in peace on earth, unity, togetherness, and foremost love, despite the differences.
And don’t you think I hate you. No, no way. Just a pity.
Cause life is so beautiful. But you missed the base. The basic.
So how can we resolve complicated conflicts if we have misinterpreted the core and the root of our own being.
Cause life is so beautiful. But you missed the base. The basic.
So how can we resolve complicated conflicts if we have misinterpreted the core and the root of our own being.
Anyway… I still love you all. You stupid, wrong, angry humans.
It is as if you have a task to solve an equation called LIFE. But, you made a mistake in the very beginning, in a very first formula. So now, all your calculations forever will stay wrong… Fix your core believes.
Leaders? (more like down-draggers). So, you call yourself LEADERS. Where did you lead us? To endless conflicts, wars and death. (Any idiot could have done this! Whaaaat? Just saying :D) Anyway...
Now my tears are falling not for any particular country, but for all humans of Planet Earth.
Now, I have no doubt, we are all fucking retarded. It is a hurtful truth.
But, I do still have hope in our children. So please, can you do me a favour and stop killing innocent children
(By the way, there is no such thing as innocent or guilty kids! ALL ARE INNOCENT), so please, stop, they are our only hope.
Now, I have no doubt, we are all fucking retarded. It is a hurtful truth.
But, I do still have hope in our children. So please, can you do me a favour and stop killing innocent children
(By the way, there is no such thing as innocent or guilty kids! ALL ARE INNOCENT), so please, stop, they are our only hope.
Do you know why I still have hope in our children? Because they are still pure in their heart and soul.
Just before their moronic parents will start planting the idiotic ideas in their heads.
Just before schools will brainwash them to become a working machines.
Just before Society will vomit on them the ideas of religion and racism.
Just before it’s too late, let’s try to tell our kids this instead:
Just before their moronic parents will start planting the idiotic ideas in their heads.
Just before schools will brainwash them to become a working machines.
Just before Society will vomit on them the ideas of religion and racism.
Just before it’s too late, let’s try to tell our kids this instead:
Our home is Planet Earth.
Our God is Love.
Our neighbour is our brother.
Our job is to help others.
Our teacher Is Mother Nature.
Sharing is caring.
Hurting others, same as hurting self.
Life is to enjoy.
Burn your weapons.
Bake a cake.
Our God is Love.
Our neighbour is our brother.
Our job is to help others.
Our teacher Is Mother Nature.
Sharing is caring.
Hurting others, same as hurting self.
Life is to enjoy.
Burn your weapons.
Bake a cake.
Start over again.
Here is your school, you fool.
With peace, hope and love.
Anna Om 23 Oct. 2023
I spent last decade in Lebanon.
It became my home, my happy place, my life.
All these years I watched my Lebanese family and friends suffering
in constant fight for better future for our children.
Wars, crushed economy, unreliable government...
Deep down in my heart I have always thought:
"Thanks God, Ukraine is Peaceful and my parents don't know what is war".
Well, not for long...
Now my heart is torn apart,
beautiful countries, so dear to me,
with millions of decent citizens are drowning...
Slowly chocking from greed and betrayal.
But I feel hopeless,
cause it’s not only Lebanon and Ukraine are in struggle,
many other countries are at war or/and poverty...
Unfortunately, these kinds of events are happening all over the world
as they remain the same for thousands of years.
The human race has taken wrong turn and is slowly degrading.
Greed is a King of the modern world,
that keeps Human being from evolving to a higher levels of consciousness.
It became my home, my happy place, my life.
All these years I watched my Lebanese family and friends suffering
in constant fight for better future for our children.
Wars, crushed economy, unreliable government...
Deep down in my heart I have always thought:
"Thanks God, Ukraine is Peaceful and my parents don't know what is war".
Well, not for long...
Now my heart is torn apart,
beautiful countries, so dear to me,
with millions of decent citizens are drowning...
Slowly chocking from greed and betrayal.
But I feel hopeless,
cause it’s not only Lebanon and Ukraine are in struggle,
many other countries are at war or/and poverty...
Unfortunately, these kinds of events are happening all over the world
as they remain the same for thousands of years.
The human race has taken wrong turn and is slowly degrading.
Greed is a King of the modern world,
that keeps Human being from evolving to a higher levels of consciousness.
Anna Om.
March 2022.